Last Saturday night we took Monica out for her birthday dinner. She choose this funky hawaiian restaurant .. very casusal and very fun and the food was amazing .. here's the group .. acting out as usual! lol
I've been stitching a lot in the evenings .. it's been a great way to relax and concentrate on other stuff for a while .. I love my hobby :) After stitching some of the border on my Friendship Sampler RR, I really wanted to stitch a couple of the hearts .. here's what I've done so far ...
I'm going to have all the stitchers pick whatever colors they want to use for their hearts (in the red/pink theme), but I'm going to have them stitch their names with Belle Soie Noir, I love the look of it against the coffee dyed fabric.
The other heart I stitched is the "replacement" heart where the lock of hair is .. I'm really pleased with the colors so far :)
I finished the main square for the winter round of the Fair and Square exchange .. this was a really fun stitch .. here's a sneak peek ...
I'm also making great headway on BC's Seasons .. I love this piece and can't wait to see it finished and framed ...
I have dangerous fallen in love with Etsy. If you haven't been there yet, check it out .. there are so many crafty people and they are selling some wonderful fun items. Thanks to enabling by Cindy I found this adorable bird .. check out the fabric, yep there's coffee cups all over it! lol The red bowl in the picture with the bird is another Etsy purchase .. can't wait to figure out what I'll be using it for :)

I'm grateful for my stitching ...

A very special blogging friend passed this award on to me .. thank you Michelle. I have really enjoyed our growing friendship .. here's a description of this special friends award:
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon's of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these kind writers. When you pass the award along please include these guidelines. I am to choose eight friends to share this with.
I'm sending this award on to eight friends. It's always hard to pick special bloggers to pass this award to ... I have met some wonderful friends over the last couple of years so I'd like to pass this on to Cindy, Karen, Chris, RuthAnn, Natasha, Melissa, Wendy and Sally. I know blog awards are kinda silly sometimes .. but the friendships that I'm making through blogging mean a great deal to me .. and I do like to be silly too *lol*
I hope you find your joy in your stitches ...
I'm grateful for my stitching ...

Stitching is going well. Love the friendship RR's colors! Hope the job situation remains ok and that your friends' health issues improve. Congrats on the award!
I love your new header :o)
I hope that the news of your job isn't bad. Actually, I decree that it can't be bad - 20 Feb is my birthday, and as I'm obviously Queen for the day ...
(although as the US is a republic, I'd better just keep my fingers crossed for you...)
Great job on all of the stitching. One question - are you taking any deep breaths and inhaling while working on any of your fabric? (coffee dyed perhaps)
Things are tough but they'll get better. hang in there. I hope you still have to get up bright and early Monday morning with the rest of us. I'd be happy to give you a wake-up call while I'm on my way to work if you'd like. LOL
Aww Michele I hope things are OK for you over there. It will improve soon I am sure ( I am hoping so as things are looking grim here in the UK too).
Keeping both your friends in my thoughts. Sending positive vibes.
All of your stitching looks beautiful. Your Friendship RR is going to be so special.
Thank you so much for the awrd {{{{ hugs}}}}. Right back at ya! You also have an award on my blog:)
I will be sending good thoughts to your dear friends who are ailing. I know the economy news is terrible and getting worse. Its definitely a time to concentrate on things that make us happy! Congratulations on your award...and thank you so much for passing it on to me. I am so touched! xxxHappy Valentine's Day!
Michele, more layoffs anywhere! I'm praying for a miracle to prevent anyone @ Boeing from losing a job! And Sean and Richard are in my thoughts and prayers as are you and your fellow employees.
So happy to hear you went out with friends for a birthday celebration. Friends, stitching, family...are our sanity during this economic crisis.
All of your stitching is beau-ti-ful;) and love the hearts on your RR! Etsy is fun and I do love the handmade things!
Congrats on your award! You truly deserve all the awards that go around:) And thank you so much for sharing this one with me! Texas size hugs and best of wishes...
Wow! That is one entry chock full of news. I certainly pray that your job is safe. Hard times are hitting us all and it is so anxiety evoking.
Your stitching is beautiful. I love the sampler you're working on - great idea to replace the lock of hair, though it might have been interesting to see the hair of everyone who contributed to the sample. Actually, no, it would be creepy! at any rate-nice work!
You certainly deserved the award. I agree that some of them are silly, but this one is just lovely.
You will be in my prayers concerning your job. It's a nationwide tragedy, isn't it? Our
area is up there in the high percentages, due to all we have are
carpet mills! And, no one's buying carpet!
I will also remember Sean and Richard and your coworkers....
Bless you and happy stitching,
Hi there..
We are thankful each day for our jobs and I will pray for all those affected..
Your stitching is beautiful - I definitely like the heart better than a lock of hair!
So glad we have become pals..
Hugs to you!
We really do have to hope that there is a change in attitude in our economy SOON!! My husband's company is having to layoff a bunch of people as well. I am sending you positive thoughts - Bill is safe he will just give himself a major paycut. That will be fun.
Your stitching projects are great. That heart sampler is really going to be something special when it is done. I go along with everybody else in saying I like the heart better that the lock of hair. yech
My mom has completed and framed BC Seasonal Row, and I loved it! I really wanted to stitch it too but you know I just can't because she did. lol But she said that it was so much fun to stitch! Also Your friendship RR's is absolutly beautiful!
Hey girl,Thank you for the award :) I really appriciate that. Hope all is well for you.
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