Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday Stuff ...

I'm sitting here get caught up on blog reading and watching a soccer game .. yep, soccer! We have become big soccer fans in this house since our Seattle Sounders are now a MLS team. We are playing a "friendly" match with Chelsea FC today in Seattle. There are 65,000 in attendance for this game. Now I know a lot of those in attendance are then to see Chelsea FC since they are one of the best teams in the World .. but attendance for a normal Sounder game has been running about 30,000 .. not to shabby for a new to MLS team. Gooo Sounders!!
Last night Ken, Lisa, Terry and I went to a free concert to promote Chris Daughtry's new cd. I've loved this man since he first showed up on American Idol in 2006. His first cd was great and I'm sure this one will be just as good. We had a great time at the concert .. we were amazed that we weren't the oldest ones at the concert! lol .. Daughtry seems to appeal to a large range of age groups .. there were even a lot of parents with their kids there. I'm off to download his cd from Itunes as soon as I'm done blogging.

love this picture ...

I'm still working on exchanges so I don't have any stitching pictures to share this week.

There's been quite a few giveaways in blogland lately .. I've found some new to me stitcher's blogs through other stitchers posting about giveaways .. Jolene, Dip Diddly Designs, is one of the bloggers I've just met. She's having a great giveaway. Go visit and say hi. Another blog that I've recently discovered is Linda, Somewhere in Time. Her blog is just delightful .. enjoy!

Thank you all for your lovely comments about our 4th of July in Twisp. I'm hoping to having pictures of our float down the Twisp river soon.

Enjoy your weekend ... and I hope you find your joy in your stitches ...

I'm grateful for music...


Trish Goodfield said...

Stumbled on your blog. Got very excited when I saw that not only are you are stitcher but you follow Nascar racing. We started to when Marcos Ambrose went to the US, we really love it. even better when you mentioned Chelsea, they have been my favourite team since I was a teenager.

Cheryl said...

Hadnt heard Chelsea were over there! What was the score?

Carolyn NC said...

Yes, I'm a Daughtry fan, too. Love his voice. Nice to see soccer is going everywhere now!

Michelle said...

Hi Michele!

Lucky you!! I love Daughtry!! I bet he puts on a great show..

Love Linda too ~ she my SAL buddy!


stitcherw said...

Glad you had a good time at the concert. Loved your earlier travel pictures. Poor Maddy does look as if the deer totally wore her out. :)

Linda said...

Hi are so lucky....Daughtry is so talented...I'd love to see him. We saw his new cd Saturday and came home and downloaded it...I love No Surprises.

Waiting on our floss order, they were out of Noir, should be in today and I'll get it by the end of the week....can't wait to get started.

Thank you for the nice mention...hugs, Linda

Kim B said...

We just got the first Daughtry album to listen to all the way to Boston and back. Loved it! Now we are going to need to get the new one :)