Finally there's an end in sight with the kitchen remodel. Sure has been a long couple of weeks but finally the new countertops were delivered and installed on Tuesday and the kitchen refacing started on Wednesday and was done by Friday ... well almost done. The plumber came to hook up the new sink and we found out the sink was a bit warped, and we needed 5 holes instead of 4 because of the way the dishwasher vents. We've order a new one and hopefully it will be here early next week .. it had better get here fast! I think I have missed having a kitchen sink more than the counters or the stovetop. We are really pleased with how the refacing and the countertops turned out. But I'm not taking any pictures of it until the sink is in :)
Now with the kitchen done it was time to move everything back into the kitchen. Perfect time to reoganize and throw things away, don't you think? I was looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time .. dammm we have to much stuff! Well, Chris and Monica came over Friday night to check out the kitchen .. we were visiting and talking about the new kitchen and I mentioned that I was going to spend all weekend putting the chaos back together. Monica said well why don't we start tonight and so we did! lol .. we really had a fun time .. Chris and Terry installed some new pull out racks while Monica and I cleaned out the cabinets and started putting things away. They left about midnight (yes we are all pretty much night owls! lol) and we had about 3/4 of the kitchen put away. And yes, I got rid of a large amount of stuff, but only 6 coffee cups! lol
Since we got so much done Friday night, I took a few hours and went shopping with Monica. I just had to get a couple of new things for the kitchen *smile* I got some new red and blue towels (we decorate with primary colors in much of the house). I also got a new kitchen spoon holder and a cool brushed stainless steel fruit bowl. After shopping I spent the rest of the day finishing up putting the kitchen all back together. I really am in love with it and can't wait until the sink is installed! I promise to take lots of pictures soon.
I didn't get much stitching done last week .. couldn't seem to concentrate on anything much. I did work on my biscornu design, but ran out of silk before I got it done :( I've order more, should be here this weekend. It's a really pretty color, Dinky Dyes Ocean Grove. I've really enjoyed the design ...
And I got some stash in the mail .. has anyone seen this before? Stash Keep by Homespun Elegance. I just feel in love! It's a lovely made tin box that opens up. You stitch the design on top .. I'm going to use the suggested color, Moss by Belle Soie ... here's some pictures ...
Thank you for all your comments, I really do enjoy them! I hope everyone had a great week and a wonderful weekend .. can't wait to read blogs and see what you all were up to!
I'm grateful for new things ...
Jar of Hearts Stitch Valentine Cards
18 hours ago
can't wait to see pics of the kitchen. that is a really cute tin you got. gotta love that Belle Soie, it's like stitching with butter. hugs
I have that stash keep sitting right over on the bookcase. That might have to be my next project. I haven't decided what fiber I want to use, but it will be something out of my stash.
Can't wait to see pics of the kitchen!
Can't wait to see the kitchen pictures!
And that tin is so cute! Where did you get it from?
I've not seen that box tin before...oh yikes...where did you purchase it from?????
Did you get the slate? I've been out of commission of late with Katie's accident and all and I'm trying to catch up of over 400 posts in my reader....argh! Glad to hear the remodel is going well and the end is in site!
Glad to hear there's an end in sight for the kitchen! And your stitching looks great. That tin is so cute!
I'm so pleased your kitchen is nearly done. I can't wait to see some pictures,
Your biscornu is gorgeous. Love the thread colour. Gorgeous tin. Where did you buy it from?
I'm looking forward to seeing new kitchen pics! I love that stash box.. Your biscornu is so pretty - I love the colors.
I really love the Homespun Elegance Box, it is so cool. I have checked that pattern out, and keep debating about it, so I'll now wait until I see yours finished to decide.
That's so great that you and Monica got so much done together. Jobs like that are usually a lot more fun when they're shared. :D
That DD 'Ocean Grove' sure is a pretty color! :D
Oooo, a new kitchen. Hurry up with that sink; I wanna see!!!!
I called and left ya a mesage today. I need to know if your addy is right int he Pals 07 book ;-)
Oh Oh Oh! I WANT THAT BOX! And I want it NOW!!! I'm with Vonna, where did you get it???
Can't wait to see the new kitchen!
I've never seen that stash keep before... where did you get it?!
Can't wait for pics of your new kitchen!
Congratulations on being almost done with the kitchen, that would be so exciting. I'll bet doing without a kitchen sink would be one of the worst parts.
Your biscornu is looking so pretty, the coloring is beautiful. I hadn't seen the stash keep, what a fun idea.
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