Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope you are all having a wonderful Valentine's Day with your loved ones or all by yourself, as long has you have some chocolate!

I did a little more finishing last week ... this was a freebie by Cathy of Hands On Designs, you can find it here.  I really like how this turned out .. gave it to Chris and Monica for Valentine's Day

Doing a big happy dance .. I finished this love last night and I'm over the moon in love with it!  Thinking of sending it to Jill for framing ...
Quaker Christmas by Midnight Stitching
Stitched on 32ct RR Antique Cotton with 
recommended threads

Thanks for stopping by!  Enjoy your Saturday and Sunday .. Nascar racing starts tonight ... so excited!!!

I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...

I'm grateful for red ...


Robin in Virginia said...

Congratulations on your Quaker finish! What a sweet Valentine you created as well!

Robin in Virginia

Maggee said...

Ooh, love the Quaker Christmas finish! Congrats! And the one by Cathy is in my to-do pile... maybe next year! Ha!

DebbieSFL said...

I love your finish on the freebie from Hands on Designs--anytime I can use vintage lace I am all for it. Gorgeous work!!

Natasha said...

WooHoo!. What a cute gift for Monica and Chris. And I love how Quaker Christmas turned out. Looking forward to seeing it framed.

Happy Valentines Day!! <3

Parsley said...

Lovely work!

Mii Stitch said...

Lovely finishes!
What a sweet Valentine finish :)

Andrea said...

Wonderful stitching and finishing. Quaker Christmas is lovely.

Barbi said...

We had an awesome Valentine's day! Love your two finishes!

Sparky said...

love you of my fav sayings and you stitched it beautifully

stitcherw said...

Congrats on the finishes, Love looks like it would have been a fun stitch, and Christmas looks awesome, lovely work.

t4cetaku said...

Very good writing, I am happy to be able to visit this website.
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