I do love this time of year!!! and I've been in the stitching mood too ... which is wonderful! Soooo good for the soul.
First up is a sweet freebie from Pamela at http://ourpioneerhomestead.blogspot.com/. I stitiched it on a piece of hand dyed fabric from Isabella of The Primitive Hare http://theprimitivehare.blogspot.com/2012/02/old-salem-lino-30-ct.html ... love the fabric and the words :)
The next finish is October Curls, part of the Bent Creek Snapper collection ... love this sweet pumpkin!
I think I'll be stitching on Part 2 of the L*K mystery sampler ... would really like to get it done this year :) Are you doing any Fall stitching or have you jumped right into holiday stitching? I have a few ornaments picked out ... just need to kit them up.
A few weeks ago I received an envelope from 123 Stitch ... not having ordered anything recently from Joanne I was surprised to find this lovely chart when I opened the envelope. Along with the chart was a sweet note from someone that wanted to stay anonymous. Thank you whoever you are ... the chart is adorable and I can't wait to stitch it ... I'm thinking it would be a wonderful wedding gift for someone.
On the health front .. the steroids didn't work for me and this recent flare up I'm having ... the good news is that I've taken a leave of absence from work so I can concentrate on my health (and my stitching *smile*)
I hope this first week of Fall has been good to you and I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...
I'm grateful for Fall ...

gorgeous stitching :) and thanks for the enabling links heheheh .... sorry can't see what chart it was as hasn't shown up ... wasn't me btw ...lol hope you start to feel better soon but after getting lots of stitching done ;) love mouse xxxxx
Sending love and lots of hugs. Enjoy your time off!
I'm so glad that you are able to stitch!! I hope they find something that works and you feel better all the time!
Two lovely finishes. Great gift. Look forward to seeing your L*K. Hope you feel better soon.
wait to you see the finished L*K Mystery Sampler. it's adorable. taking my to be framed this week. feel better soon. denise
Lovely fall stitching! I'm hoping the time off and stitching will be better for your health than the meds have been. Look forward to seeing you in the next three weeks!!
Great stitching Michele... I am sorry to hear about your round of steroids, but hopefully by taking time off from work it does give you a chance to focus on your health which is #1 and of course your stitching :)
I have yet to start on any holiday stitching I have been working on the same WIP for the last two months UGH! Hopefully it gets finished soon, I am ready to move onto FALL :) Big ((HUGS))
Great stitches Michele! Sorry to hear about the steroids but good that you are taking the time to concentrate on YOU! I hope you find some relief and start feeling better soon.
Really love your fall stitching, Michele... I've been doing a bit of it myself and hope to get a new post up this week. I'm glad you're able to stitch again, but so sorry to hear the steroids didn't help. I sure hope your leave of absence from work is helpful and that the doctors can come up with some other treatment to ease this flare-up... Sending hugs your way!
Lovely stitching as always Michele and a lovely gift.
Hope you are feeling better soon {{{{hugs}}}}
What a great little surprise gift! How sweet of someone.
I need to get back to stitching part 2 of that L*K sampler. Ugh. I *so* wanted to finish that for fall too.
Hope the time off work is just what you need to heal up!!
Great stitching and hope you feel better soon.
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