Monica (my lovely daughter-in-law) and I decided to do some crafting. We picked Tuesdays because Chris (my son) is over here every Tuesday night ... it's called Brat Night. He's rebuilding a Subaru Brat and has lots of friends over to help. Thing we might rename it Brat/Craft Night *smile* Monica and I have both been pinning lots of things in Pinterest ... decided we'd try out hand at some of the ideas we've liked. We have a couple of crafts in different stages ... but I do have one completed. I was inspired by a pin of a shadow box with jingle bells in it ... I found this great shadow box at the Goodwill, found some fun stickers at Michaels, acrons, pinecones and gordes at Hobby Lobby and presto .... a Halloween shadow box. Monica suggested adding the spiders and I added some spider web ribbon around the box. Can't wait to make more ....
and I've been doing some stitching too ... I purchased this kit a couple of years ago when I visited The Silver Needle in Tulsa. They had kitted it up a bit different and I love it ...
Pumpkin Patch by Knotted Tree Needle Art
stitched on misc. piece of 32 ct linen
with conversion to WDW's
This is Part 1 of Lizzie*Kate's Mystery sampler ... hope to start Part 2 this weekend ... sorry for the wrinkles! Adorable, isn't it :)
Last week my dad made us a bird feeder holder for our backyard. He delivered it yesterday and installed it. About an hour later we received an order from Amazon (Terry and I look at each other, what did you order? Nothing, what did you order? nothing ... lol) we opened the box and there were three large bird feeders, from my dad! What a sweetie *smile* Now I'm hoping to enjoy all the birds soon!Regarding my health ... after more tests including a spinal mri, I finally have a diagnosis, I have MS ... not the best news, but at least I know what it is and have a treatment plan established. Hopefully as soon as I can get on the medication the flare up I'm having now will diminish. I am so thankfully for all the support I have from my immediately family, dear friends, all of your wonderful stitchers ... it helps so much!
I hope you all have a wonderful long 3 day weekend and get lots of stitching time.
I'm grateful for birds ...

Oh, dear Michele, not the diagnosis I was hoping for either...I hope and pray that yours is a "mild" case that can treated with medications. It sounds like you are determined to make the best of your new situation, though, and not let it hinder any plans or goals in life. You sound very blessed to have such a supportive loving family and friends surrounding you...
What fun to have a daughter-in-law to have a crafting night with! You sound like you two have a wonderful relationship and your little shadow box turned out so cute...Love the progress on the LK mystery sampler and your newest Halloween piece. And what a bird feeder holder your dad built!! The birds will never go hungry this winter with that wonderful contraption :)
Good luck with your new medications< Michele--please know you are in my thoughts...
Michele, I am sorry to hear that the diagnosis was that. Sounds like you are taking it with stride, hopefully the sooner you start your treatment plan things will get better. **HUGS**
How cute is that shadow box, I love poinning too maybe I should start doing some of those fun crafts I've pinned!!
How excited are you for MB??? I sure wish I could have gone this year, but next year I am making it happen!!
Have a great night!
Like Carol and Natasha, I'm sad to hear you have MS, but the knowing has to be SO much better than the wondering. At least you have a plan in place now instead of going through all the possibilities and not having any answers.
I'm glad to see you stitching again, and your crafts are beautiful. You are such a GREAT MIL - so fun.
Jeff got interested in birds a few years ago, picked up some feeders and other thing. At first I thought he was a little goofy, but I have to admit I enjoy watching them too, and have been able to identify quite a few species myself.
Well, that just sucks doesn't it. I hope that things go well for you as you adjust to this new way of life. Sending lots of supportive hugs!
That is such scary news regarding your health, and I admire your fighting spirit! I hope the rest of the year brings you everything you are so looking forward to!
Hey Michele. I am sending you hugs and warm wishes as you start this new phase of life managing the MS.
You fall stitching and crafting are fabulous!!
I'm sending you lots of positive thoughts and prayers regarding the Ms!! It sounds like your attitude is just great!!!I know you will have a good fall!
THe shadowbox is absolutely adorable! I love it! Your stitching is also very lovely as well. *grins*
I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis, but I'm thankful that you know what is wrong and you have a plan for treatments. Best of luck!
The shadow box is really cute. Great stitching. I can not wait to see you in MB.
I was getting really happy to see that you were back to doing a good bit of stitching, but I am sad about your diagnosis. It is amazing how many people I now know with this disease. Hope the meds work wonders and you are able to continue all that you do so well. I am looking forward to MB too!
I'm so sorry about your diagnosis. Nobody wants to hear that. But I think your wonderful positive outlook and strong spirit will help you immensely. Your stitching, crafting, and caring family and friends will also help fill your life with joy.
IN my prayers, Michele!!
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