Yep you read that correct ... I have a finish!! My first ambidextrous finish ever! lol ... before my numbness started I had this sweet piece almost finished. Using my left hand I finished the bottom 4 little icons. It was a struggle but a struggle worth it. I love it! Don't look too close though lol
Liberty by Little House Needleworks
stitched on R&R Irish Creme 30 count
using suggested Crescent Colors and GAST
And an update on my health. Still no diagnosis but the numbness is getting better. My right hand and arm now do what they are supposed to do most of the time. I can hold a needle but can't always feel it ... my finger tips are still pretty numb ... but getting better every day! I have another dr appt in September with an eye neurologist ... maybe he can see something the others haven't been able to.
Thank you again so much for all your support, hugs and prayers ... it really has helped!
Off to find L*K Halloween mystery sampler ... hopefully it won't take me months to finish.
I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...
I'm grateful for stitching again ...

So very happy to hear that you are feeling better and stitching again. Hopefully the doctor(s) will be able to figure out what is going on!
Praying for an answer and a swift recovery.
Good for you! I have prayed for you.
I love it Michelle! I have this pattern in my bag of patriotic patterns and want to make it into a little pillow for my grouping some day. Yours is really cute and glad you could finish it with your other hand. Hopefully you are back at full-strength soon in the other one.
This is beautiful and I can't believe you had to use your other hand! Hope the doctors figure it all out for you and soon!
A lovely finish! You are doing great using your left hand part of the time. Hope the Dr. can figure this out and help you to get all well!
Lovely finish, and you did it with your non-stitching hand! Terrific! But let's just pray away the troubles and get you back to health! Hugs!
Great finish1 Glad that your arm is starting to feel better.
Great finish!!
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Take care!!
great finish Michelle and so happy to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Thoughts and prayers always coming your way.
Wow, a lovely patriotic cross stitch Michele, love it!
Gabriele from Bavaria
I love this design. Looking at your finish gave me a big smile. A big congratulations to you for finishing despite your right hand's not being able to cooperate. Go, Lefty! OK, I'm left-handed, does it show? ;) Best of luck getting a diagnosis and good treatment. I admire your tenacious devotion to stitching.
So happy that you are feeling better and long may it continue.
Love your finish.
Liberty came out great and I hope that the doctor's can figure out what is wrong.
I love this piece and you did a great job~~ Just know I'm out here sending positivity your way....Hang in there girlie:)
Sending Carolina girl happiness your way, Faye
Whooo Hooo! You are stitching!! And, it is possible to stitch while your fingers are tingly and numb. Ever since chemo that is the way mine are!!
What a great finish. So glad that you have had some improvement and hope it continues!
happy stitching....
great finish! glad it is improving and hope to get some results from the next dr.
I love Liberty! And I'm glad to hear that you are getting some better. I know it has to be frustrating not to have a diagnosis. Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
I am relieved to hear that your symptoms have shown some improvement, Michele... What a scary time for you and your family. I'm so glad you are able to get back to stitching because I know what a stress reliever that can be.
Your Liberty finish is so lovely--I really like the colors in this piece and am so impressed that you can stitch with your left hand... Where there is a will, there is a way!
Take care now and know we are all thinking of you...
Congratulations on your finish. You did really well managing to stitch with your left hand. Hope they get things sorted out and everything turns out well for you.
Great Finish !!!
So good to read that the numbness is slowly going away and that you can use your arm and hand again. That must be such a relief for you. I hope that the next doctor can found out what caused this strange thing.
Congratulations on this wonderful finish!
I have been so out of touch. I did not realize you were dealing with a mystery illness. Glad that it appears to be getting a little better ~ My hopes and prayers are with you that your heal fully and that the doctor discovers what you are dealing with. My DH is also dealing with a "mystery" illness and has just started to see a neurologist...wierd.
I am impressed that you were able to complete this project using your other hand, not sure that I could do that...good for you!
so pretty. I cant imagine not stitching you did a great job. I am praying for you.
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