And here's my progress on Peppermint Twist. The colors are much deeper and warm than this picture looks like .. hopefully I'll get a better picture next time I work on it. I did leave off the long stitch snowflakes .. just didn't like how they looked when I started them ...

I've been decorating for Easter this week. Had the kitchen table done and decided to share a picture .. well imagine my surprise when I was taking the picture and realized there was this red thing sticking out of the chick bowl ..
taking a closer look .. looks like something hatched .. yep, it's a red dinosaur lol ..
last year the boys got some plastic eggs in their baskets that transform into creatures .. ya gotta have a sense of humor in this house .. all boys and just me .. I still have army men guarding secret places in the kitchen! lol
I'm off to stitch on my Friendship RR .. I have Donna's RR, she chose a beautiful piece of fabric, lambswool 40ct! Good thing this fabric is yummy cause the 40ct is trying my patience! lol Pictures soon :)
I hope you find your joy in your stitches ...
**edited to add information about the button scissor fob. Back in October Carol posted about the button scissor fobs. I wish I could make them ... they are wonderful! Maybe Cathy at Golden Needle can still order them .. good luck!
I'm grateful for humor ...

Your finish is just so cute! PT is looking good - great progress. Love your guardians - gotta love boys! But I have to ask, I noticed your scissor fob made with different buttons. Where did you get that or did you make it? I would love to try and find one or make it myself (with a few directions, of course!) :)
A darling finish!!! So cute over 1!
You have dinosaurs hatching in your house??? Sounds dangerous!
Great progress on you peppermint twist and I love the easter stitch. However, my attention was drawn to that unique fob on your scissors. Did you make that?
I think being hard on ourselves - photos included- is a trait of cross stitchers. We are used to the precision of the stitch so when other things aren't perfect, we get down on ourselves---- I think the photos are really great!! I just love the Easter piece.
If that had been my house, the red thing would have been something left over from Christmas. I just found a stray Christmas tree ball that one of the cats must have hidden!
Boys or girls- you gotta have humor. I really think it's key to survival. My oldest son says humor is one of the things anyone he dates has to have. Wise young man!
Your decorating looks lovely. Happy spring!
over one, you stitched over one?! are you feeling ok???? LOL and you give me a hard time about stitching everything over 1. LOL It looks great!!! PT is looking really really good, you are WAY far ahead of me on it. I have 1 little pointsetta done. LOL
gotta love the dino!
That is so cute and over one!! Way to go.
Hey dinosaurs add a splash of dash don't they!!
I love you easter finish along with the easter decorations, i did laugh at the dinosaur!
PT is beautiful
Your L*K finish is so cute and PT is looking gorgeous:)
Have a great weekend!
Lovely work Michele! Love your Peppermint Twist. I'm another one very curious about your scissor fob. It's adorable. Please let us know if you made it or if you have a "source". Enquiring stitchers need to
Such a cute little Easter finish. And oh, I love Peppermint Twist, particularly the side you are stitching on right now. Great WIP.
LOVE the L*K. That is so cute for Easter. I love the springy colors too. I love your tablecloth.
Also love the FOB!!! Happy Spring Ms Michelle!!!
What an adorable fininsh!
I really like your Easter piece, but I am in awe of you stitching it over one!! I wish I had a couple of more hands so that I could stitch that Peppermint Twist piece - it is going to be gorgeous!!
I have opened a PIF drawing on my board, and I also gave you an award - come and get it!!
the finish is really cute! Some day I will have to break down and buy peppermint Twist,
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