We lost a very dear friend today. Larry and Cheryl moved next door to my parents 24 years ago. They became very close friends of my parents and our entire family. Larry was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor that was wrapped around his stomach about 3 years ago. He outlasted all the doctors predictions ... was still working up until a month ago. It was only a couple days a week, but nothing could keep him down. Larry had a love of life that made him a fighter up to his last days .. even through the pain, and in the last year of his life, the pain was very bad. He was an avid, and I do mean avid hunter and fisherman. Hunting and fishing was something that my dad and he enjoyed together. I know Dad will really miss him, we all will. But we know he is in a better place and finally out of pain.
Larry with my Dad

Larry and I
Please keep his wife Cheryl in your thoughts and prayers .. they never had any children, and Cheryl lost her parents a little over a year ago .. this is going to be a difficult time for her.
I'm grateful for my friendship with Larry and Cheryl ...
Sorry to hear your family has lost such a wonderful friend! {{Michele}}
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your family friend {{hugs}}
That is really sad. So sorry to hear this {{hugs}}
I am so sorry Michele. My thoughts are with Cheryl and all of you {{{{hugs}}}}
Oh, I am so sorry hon. My thoughts will be with you all.
i'm so sorry about your loss Michele! sending you hugs and prayers. you know i am here for you. love you
My thoughts are with you all.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
I am surely keeping her in my thoughts and of course you and your family for you all have had a terrible lost..I am so very sorry
I am so very sorry Michele.
BIG {{{{HUGS}}}}
Prayers being said for Larry's wife, your Dad and your whole family. It is wonderful that he had that much time to really treasure life before he was gone.
So sorry to hear about your friend. Will be praying for her.
I too am really sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. How wonderful you all had so many good years with such a wonderful friend and husband. Many of us never have those kind of friendships and loves in our lives. Many years with more good memories than sad ones. So sorry he was in pain, but what an amazing person to live his life when it would have been easy to curl up and give up.
I will keep your family and Cheryl in my thoughts and prayers.
How terribly sad, it is so hard to lose a friend like that and it will be incredibly hard on your friend. My condolences to you all.
My deepest sympathy is sent to you. I can feel your pain in your writing. It is always difficult to lose a loved one. He sounds like he was wonderful and isn't that the kind of person that just lives on in our hearts and prompts us to be better people ourselves? I will pray for your friend Cheryl. This will be a very lonely time for her- no one can imagine how life will be from now on for her. A vibrant mate leaves a huge hole in ones life. She is lucky to have you. I will remember you, too in my prayers. Sending you warm hugs and comfort.
Sorry to hear your sad news
I'm so sorry Michele...sending you my prayers and condolences {{hugs}}
(((((((((Cheryl, Michele, and all)))))))))
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