Happy Anniversary To Us ... WOW, were we really that young? Terry and I are celebrating our 32rd anniversary today .. Flag Day .. we'd never heard of Flag Day when we got married .. thought all the flag were waving for us *grin* 32 years is definately a long time .. I'm 53 years old, so that means I've been married over half my life .. I won't say it seems like yesterday, but it sure doesn't feel like 32 years. Yes it's been hard and it's been easy and everything inbetween but I wouldn't trade it for anything .. we have two awesome sons, friends and family that have supported us throughout the years .. laughed with us and cried with us.
We can't take all the credit for lasting this long .. we had great role models .. Terry's parents were married 56 years before my mother in law passed away, she's been gone 2 years now. My parents had been married 34 years (it was my mom's 2nd marriage) when she passed away, she's been gone 10 years now .. we learned so much from them .. thanks moms and dads *smile*
I am grateful for 32 years .. here's to 32 more :)