Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thank you Marion ...
Monday, June 16, 2008
I left my heart in San Francisco ...
Well I think that's enough jabbering for one day .. if you made it this far .. hope you enjoyed a cup of coffee or tea while you were reading! And thank you for all your lovely comments and anniversary wishes, they mean the world to me :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008
If you're going to San Francisco
Our wedding anniversary is Saturday, June 14th, I'm thinking drinks at the Top of the Mark is called for .. don't you? It's our 33rd anniversary!
And I'm hoping we get to meet up with Edgar! I hope our schedules work out .. will be fun to meet another stitcher/blogger :)
Thanks all for your comments from my last post .. you all had me really laughing out loud! lol :) I'm off to shower and finish packing .. our plane leaves at 12:30 today. Hope everyone enjoyes their weekend and get lots of stitching done! See ya when I'm back on Sunday ...
I'm grateful for 33 years ...
Midge :)
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Who am I ...
I saw this online last week and just had to own it! I just love it! Now to work it into my ever growing rotation schedule ...
I've been stitching a lot this last week, but don't have much to show because it's all exchange stitching .. but I did start Earth Laughs on Monday ... OHHHH I love this fabric and all the colors ... this will be a fun stitch for sure.
My weekend has been really good .. Lisa and I went and saw Sex and the City Friday night. We started out at PF Chang's for drinks and lettuce wraps, salt and pepper shrimp and garlic pea pods .. then it was off to the movie. We really enjoyed it! Very funny and I thought it stayed true to the TV series pretty well. Terry and Robert went to see Kung Fu Panda with a few of Robert's friends .. it was definately a hit. Saturday and Sunday we worked about the house .. ya know the usual like laundry, grocery shopping, bathrooms .. all that fun stuff.
I hope you all had a wonderful week and weekend .. your blogs have been pretty busy .. it's always a delight to check in with you all. And keep those comments coming ... I really enjoy reading them!
I'm grateful for dinner and a movie with my BFF ...
Margo *grin*
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Woo Hoo It's June 1st!
I heard that my biscornu arrived safe and sound it it's new owner. Here's the finished picture. It's a freebie design from Dinky Dyes, stitched with their Ocean Grove silk. I also sent along a pair of blue scissors.
I received a lovely PIF from Michelle .. There's a stitched bookmark, garden gloves, pink ribbon, a magnetic notepad and my favorite candy, M&M's :)
Here's a close up the stitched bookmark .. I just adore this pattern. The word Joy and the search for Joy in my everyday life has been a part of me for a few years now. I will definately be using this bookmark and remembering my Joy and my new found stitching friend. Michelle and I have traded a few emails here and there about health issues and stitching. I've really enjoyed getting to know her. And now I have something stitched by her .. such fun! Thank you Michelle :)
a close up of "Joy"
I finally feel like I'm getting over this head cold crud I've been battling .. hope it doesn't come back! Our weekend has been good. We spent Saturday morning with my FIL, had a nice brunch with him and then went to his house to play with the puppy, who's growing like crazy. Weighs about 12 pounds now. I forgot my camera :( he is a great looking Lasha and my FIL is enjoying him a lot! After our visit we went to check out Frye's, it's a new electronics store around here. The boys definately enjoyed it! lol .. got home about 2ish, did some housework, read my book for a while (I'm reading the 2nd of a new Nora Robert's trilogy, The Hollow). I'm loving this new trilogy. Later Terry, Robert and I went to dinner and then to the new Indiana Jones movie. They had seen it last weekend, but wanted me to see it .. I really enjoyed it. Harrison is such a cutie, even at his age! lol
Today I've been watching the Nascar race at Dover, NH .. this is a really fun track to watch. Catching up on emails, blogs and getting ready to finish up my 4th of July Fair & Square stitching .. mailing date is tomorrow :)
Hope everyone has had a great weekend full of fun and family and of course stitching!
Oh and before I forget, there's a giveway on the Stitch Pink blog. I'm offering up the Survivor Tree by MDesign .. come over and leave a comments and get entered in the drawing. If you haven't visited Stitch Pink before, spend a bit of time and check it out. Kim has done a wonderful job with this blog!
I'm grateful for new books ...