the first of many drinks .... and by far the best bloody mary!
and in June ... Terry and I spent 4 wonderful days on Lopez Island celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary!!! 40 year? OMG couldn't believe it has40 years! We've been through a lot of ups and downs throughout the years ... have watched (and helped) our two boys grow into amazing men ... we got through the loss of both our moms and now we are trying to help our dads with life and health issues ... we've remodeled and lived to tell about it ... we've learned together about my MS struggles ... and we are getting closer to a new stage in our lives ... and just think, after 40 years we still wanted to spend 4 days disconnected from the world on this quiet lovely island ,,,
but wait! there's more in June .. besides our anniversary, June is also my dad's birthday, Father's Day and Mike and Tammey's anniversary ... so we got the whole family together for a Seattle Mariner's game... well almost the whole family. Nick and his girlfriend Cecilia weren't able to attend the game. We had a couple extra tickets and the time was perfect for Monica's mom and dad to be able to join us. A good time was had by all ... at least they said they had fun lol
and that brings us to July ... had a blast with Ken and Lisa on the 4th. We headed to Bellevue for drinks and dinner and then over to the park for the fireworks ... ran into Lisa's son Jairid and his fiance Michelle ... and last Sunday I got to celebrate my friend Dawn turning 50!
I was able to do some stitching in between all the fun and was able to finish a couple of older wips. This is Lizzie*Kate Christmas Spirit. I started this series in 2008, got half way done with it and forgot all about it. Nice to have it finished!
Lizzie*Kate Christmas Spirit.
Stitched on recommended fabric with
recommended WDW threads
Here's another old wip, well not too old ... I started this design last year ... so fun to stitch and love it!
Patriotic Poppies by With They Needle and Thread
Can't remember what fabric I used
Stitched with recommended GAST, WDW and CC threads
Here's a little finish. Design is from Summer House Stitche Works Postcard series. It was fun picking out all the embellishments.
This finish drove me crazy ... I've stitched about half of the Word Play series. I don't know why but this one was the hardest to finish ... just didn't keep my interest I guess ... but I love it now that it's done!! lol
May Word Play by With Thy Needle and Thread
Stitch on 35 Ct. Abecedarian linen
with recommended GAST and WDW threads
Here's one of my new starts ... I'm really loving it ... although the stripes are a little more pink than I expected ... stripes are next! The design is called Seaside Stars and Stripes and can be found in this magazine
Here's what the finished design will look like.
I've missed chatting with everyone ... I hope your summer is going well and you are stitching up a storm!
I hope you find your Joy in your stitches ...